Technology and finance are becoming less important as sources of competitive advantage; human capital is becoming more critical to business performance in the knowledge-based economy. The correlation between talent and business performance is too big to be ignored as talent is becoming an increasing source of value creation because of the changing, complex and dynamic context in which people do business. Eighty percent of an average company’s value is attributed to intangible assets (intellectual property, brand and people). No company want to lose eighty percent of their investment, so talented people are key. So, we help organizations attract, empower and retain top talents, employees with the ability to impact the organization now and in the future.
Workplace Readiness & Employability Training
This training is put together to help job seekers get equipped with the right skills needed to compete favorably in the labor market and on interview panels. This training helps to launch graduates on the fast track as they are exposed to: The Steps to Getting a Good Job in Less Time, how to interweave their individual interests, abilities, values, and personality with the job market. Effective job search methods, The Dos and Don’ts of Resumes, Interview tips that makes the difference, How to answer the top ten interview questions, Personal Brand Management, Workplace Etiquettes, Interpersonal & Communication Skills, and several other soft skills. This training helps to bridge the gap between the Nigerian theory based learning system and the present day labour market, it helps graduates think beyond what is being taught within the four walls of the school and develop in them the ability to apply their education in practical life situations.
Industry Specific Training
This is a specialized training covering fields such as Aviation, Power & Energy, Oil & Gas, Maritime, ICT & Telecommunications, Rail &Water Transportation etc. Participating in this training helps participants understand how to function in any of these fields irrespective of their course of study. Participants are exposed to hands on professionals and resource persons from the industry under consideration. This training exposes the unlimited opportunities in these industries and strategies for accessing the same. Participants also engage in intellectual discussions with the resource persons who combines case studies, simulation, lectures etc as methods of teaching.