Economic Development evolves and revolves around human capital development and human capital development is the surest way to achieving national visions. However, having observed the economic, educational, institutional and political challenges militating against the successful development of quality human capital technology for the overall development of the Nigerian economy, we have initiated a 50 year human capacity development plan and a national employment solutions strategy for the Nigerian economy.
We are working with various stakeholders in developing industry specific manpower development strategy for each sectors of the economy under the purview of our operations. We work and serve as a connecting point for these stakeholders as we continue to create a unified platform for them to contribute to the development of national blueprints for solving the unemployment problem facing Nigeria as a nation. We have also discovered that there is a level of relationship between the school and the government, between the government and the industry but there is a wide gap between our schools and the industries. Bridging this gap between the school and the industry is cardinal to our overall goals and pursuit as an organization.
The 50 year plan has been devolved into five phases of ten years each. 2011-2020, 2021-2030, 2031-2040, 2041-2050, 2051-2060. Each of these phases will be constantly reviewed and appraised as the need arises.