The Warri Industrial Business park (WIPB) located near Warri port is a project conceived by the Delta State Government in partnership with Arco Petrochemicals and Engineering Limited as part of the administration’s strategy to implement its infrastructure and economic development agenda. WIPB is a property based initiative envisaged as a holistic formation that will drive industrial growth and economic diversification in Delta state.
It is to be developed with technologically advanced infrastructure that will support engineering, manufacturing, marine, Oil & Gas (O&G), logistics and telecommunication systems.
WIPB will provide the ideal business environment for stakeholders of innovation processes in the country’s industrial sector to interact with each other, attract domestic and foreign venture capital , as well as technological development and transfer.
The proposed growth in the industrial sector of Delta State and Nigeria will not only result in the creation of new knowledge, new enterprises, new opportunities and export oriented products, but will stimulate the service and commercial sector of the economy thus raising the State’s competitiveness in such industries in the global market.
About The Project Warri Industrial Business Park is designed to be a modern friendly mixed- use industrial, business, high–end residential and recreational development environment. This park, covering an area of approximately 300hectares in total size will provide a range of services for potential and present tenants and will offer a variety of investment and cooperation options to both tenants and investors alike.
Total area of the industrial park is 300 hectares, of which 80 hectares will be used for infrastructural purposes while 220 hectares are for mixed use development. The basis of the project is the phased concept which implies the creation of interrelated islands to be developed in phases.
A distinguishing characteristic of Warri Industrial Business Park is its conceptuality. WIBP is developed in line with a single concept of phased development. The concept of phased development is to select the land plots by sizes , formats and designs which best suits the requirement of the park’s targeted groups of customers, as well as appropriate some parts or a whole of a part for a specific industry.
This concept also provides for the division of a whole area Into separate land plots of not less than 2 hectares each. The advantage for the tenant is the ability to acquire additional land plots in case of business expansion. The strategy of phased development is a reasonable way of mitigating financial and technical risks as well as ensuring the timely completion of the project within the next 4 years.
The park will be managed by a professional Management Company, Warri Industrial Park Limited in such a way as to attract and offer unique investment opportunities in a special economic zone environment. Incentives will be available to local and foreign investors.
Land Use Plan.
The Land Use Plan is composed of the plan itself, Land Use Plan Map and Land Use Category Descriptions.
The goal of Warri Industrial Business Park’s land Use plan is;
To ensure no conflicts between differing uses and yet providing a cohesive , sustainable and flexible development framework.
Explore the most efficient road networks to reduce initial development costs without compromising access.
Providing highest land use.
Maximise saleable plot areas while providing an attractive green environment for potential investors.
This Land Use Plan is the framework for the comprehensive master plas as it serves as the basis for all the facility and service needs of the industrial park.
Land Use Categories
Land use categories are classified as “Industrial use”, “Industrial Mixed use”, “Residential Use”, and “Other Categories”.
Other categories as used in the context of the land use framework include; Green area, White site , Recreation use and Existing plots.
Oil and Gas Use.
Oil &Gas uses are located in the Western zone where other “heavier” industries are found such as the power plant and some manufacturing industries. Accounting for 13.41% or 44.24 hectares of the park’s total land area, the various types of specific O&G industries are categorized as the following;
Fertilizer: 12.40% or 40.91 hectares. Segregated to the northwest island to avoid disruption to other zones and taking up the entire island. An existing gas pipeline to the north-east is conveniently situated to provide gas required for the fertilizer plant. A new vehicular bridge provides access across the existing creek from the south-west island.
Blending : 1.01% or 3.33 hectares is located at south-west island, south of the proposed new power plant. The south-west island is accessible by vehicular brige to the east portion of the park.
Manufacturing Use
Accounting for 23.14% or 76.34 hectares of the park’s total land land area, the 3 manufacturing clusters are located in the North and South west zones due to heavier use. Manufacturing uses may vary from steel fabrication to plastic pipes and may support O&G or marine industries. However, fabrication yards will be located to the south-west island cluster and not in the “lighter” north-west cluster. Other uses include ancillary office and storage on site as well for greater flexibility.
Logistic Use
Accounting for 9.88% or 32.60 hectares of the park’s total land area, the main logistical cluster is stragegically located in the central western portion of the site; at the confluence of primary zones (manufacturing , commercial, residential) to act as a buffer between them .it consists of of 1-2 storey ware houses that are divided into bonded and non-bonded areas.
The south-west logistics cluster is specifically linked to the proposed pier for river entrance access and serving marine transportation needs. This plot may accommodate a container yard and boat maintenance facilities. Ancillary uses at both clusters may include general office and government customs facilities such as weigh station and inspection yard.
Commercial Use
Commercial uses are located at the eastern boundary directly off the prominent Warri Expressway where there is the highest public visibility; providing a higher class frontage for the WIBP development. Accounting for 11.63% or 38.41 hectares of the park’s total land area, the various types of specific commercial industries are categorized as the following:
Commercial Hotel: 2.01% or 6.65 hectares. Consisting of a single plot for a 3 or 4 star business hotel in addition to villas for short to long term stay operated by the hotel. The hotel facilities will also offer WIBP additional F&B, conference space and recreational options. Its location fronting the river’s edge provides landscape opportunities as well.
Commercial Retail: 1.60% or 5.29 hectares.consisting of plots for shopping mall podiums with medium- rise office towers or stand alone strip malls,depending on market demand. The river’s edge may be a promenade opportunity with alfresco dining experience.
Commercial Office: 8.02% or 26.47 hectares . A single plot located at the park’s main entry is designated as an iconic office tower for park administration and multi-tenanted office space for various companies, while providing a “gateway” for WIBP. Other plots in this cluster may accommodate local branch offices, MNC headquarters and the like.
Residential Use
Accounting for 6.12% or 20.17 hectares of the park’s total land area, this single residential cluster is intended to provide onsite housing needs for companies within the park and open local housing market alike. Consisting of 4-6 storey,good-class condominium apartments and some family detached house developments; its location at the southern edge provide good view of the river and access to green parks and recreation. The road category in this sub division is restricted to cars only and not heavy vehicles to ensure a quiet environment for residents.
Recreation Use
Accounting for 0.81% or 2.67 hectares of the park’s total land area, a leisure zone is proposed to support recreational activities for the residents and working population onsite. Located between the river’s edge and of the main boulevard axis, it is intentionally visible and accessible, providing sporting , boating and F& B opportunities via a clubhouse and or marina. Nearby green areas are also being considered for a driving range.
Utility Use
Accounting for 6.26% or 20.65 hectares of the park’s total land area, utility plots for power, gas, fire, sewage, security, and other infrastructural related requirements are located throughout the park..
White sites
White sites are plots without a specific use designation, allowing the park owner/operator to assign use based on market demand at the time. This provides great flexibility to developers to propose their own business solutions. Accounting for 4.00% or 13.20 hectares of the park’s total land area, the white site cluster is located centrally and strategically between manufacturing, logistics and residential zones if indeed there is demand in one or more of these uses.
Existing Plots
There are 2 existing plots to note within WIBP and are required to be incorporated into the master plan. The 2 sites are as follows:
Chevron Clinic: 3.73% or 12.32 hectares. This recreational/ residential facility is located along our new main boulevard near the park’s front entrance .The master plan has integrated this plot with a new residential cluster to its immediate south.
Texaco Overseas Unlimited: 3.46% or 11.41 hectares. This office and industrial facility for the O&G MNC is located at the north- east tip of the park and fronting the Warri Expressway. A green buffer to its south is provided to separate this plot from our proposed new commercial zone.
Green Area
Accounting for 6.11% or 20.16 hectares , the designated green areas include public parks and green buffers. These are distributed as follows;
Green Parks: 4.84% or 15.96 hectares
Green Buffers: 1.27% or 4.20% hectares.